So the news so many of us have been waiting for has finally been confirmed. Lowe and co. are to stand down and the Wilde Bunch as they have become known are to take their place. This means that Michael Wilde, Jim Hone, Lee Hoos, Patrick Trant and, interestingly, Leon Crouch have been appointed in their place.
Leon Crouch was not part of the original team proposed my Michael Wilde, but he has acted as a catalyst for change and his decision to back the Wilde team with his 10% holding played a key role in Lowe realising that all was lost ahead of the EGM.
It is interesting that in the statement he released yesterday to announce his decision, he stated that: "For the record, I would like to state that I have never negotiated for or been promised a position on the board from either side to influence my decision."
Lowe admitted that he had offered Crouch the Chairman's position and now here is Crouch on the new board, so clearly both sides realised the importance of Crouch to the success of their campaigns.
After a season of anger and recriminations that has split fan from fan and fan from board, it is a genuine relief that Lowe and his associates have left the club. If they had won the EGM the only certainity was another season of division, however the 'Government of Unity' was spun.
Credit should go to Wilde's team for an absence of negative campaigning and their determination to see it through to what was not such a bitter end. While it may have been enjoyable to many to see Lowe outsted in a public meeting, it is vital that we move onwards and upwards as a unified club.
Many fans have been saying for months that they will not renew their season tickets until Lowe is gone. Now he is and it is time for all Saints supporters to get fully behind the team and the new board in this crucial season.
With Lowe negotiating with Hearts over Skacel and Webster, the new team will have to get their feet under the table fast to make sure that these two players so coveted by George Burley do not slip through the net.
We await with interest a statement from the new board members and clarification on investment, transfer budgets and the position of Sir Clive Woodward.
The future's bright, the future's red and white.